Frequently Asked Questions NeuroStar
TMS –Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
What is NeuroStar TMS?
NeuroStar TMS stands for “Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.” TMS is a medical procedure that works by
delivering highly focused MRI-strength magnetic pulses to noninvasively (without surgery) stimulate the brain
and treat major depression. This magnetic field stimulate the neurons and show depression symptom relief.
Patients being treated with NeuroStar TMS do not require anesthesia or sedation. They remain awake and alert
and return to work or their daily routine immediately after each treatment.
Benefits and advantages of TMS
- Treatment that does not involve medications or surgery
- Outpatient treatment
- Statistically and clinically significant improvement in depression symptoms
- No interruption to daily schedule
- No anesthesia
- No undesirable effects on cognition
- Few or no side effects (most common side effects are a mild headache and/or scalp discomfort)
- Less than 5% of patients discontinued treatment due to side effects in a recent study
- Safe and tolerable
- FDA cleared
Am I a good candidate?
The best way to determine if NeuroStar TMS is right for you is by speaking with your doctor or a referring
In order to ensure your safety, the following general requirements will need to be met prior to
receiving TMS therapy:
- Currently diagnosed with treatment-resistant depression by a psychiatrist, physician, or qualified health care professional
- No foreign metal in the head or metallic/magnetic implants (most dental work is safe)
How often will I receive TMS therapy?
Generally, the initial course (acute phase) of treatment will involve at least 30 consecutive treatment sessions
over a 6 week period (usually a 19-37 minute treatment session each day from Monday to Friday) plus 6 taper
sessions. Depending on your response, however, additional sessions) may be recommended to achieve
maximum response. Additional sessions would continue immediately following the acute phase.

Maintenance treatment
Maintenance treatment may be required in the future depending upon your individual
Benefits will be verified upon physician recommendation for treatment.
To refer or to schedule a consultation please call Ivan (407) 226-3733 option 7
Insurance Plans Covering NeuroStar TMS
Over 300 million patients have insurance policies that cover NeuroStar
TMS Therapy through their health plans
- Blue Cross and Blue Shield
- Medicare
- United Healthcare
You can try our quick survey to see if TMS can help you. Click Here
Doctor and Patient Dicussion Guide
NeuroStar Facts vs. Myths
NeuroStar Product Brochure